Wednesday, March 20, 2013

An Irish Dinner!

Amara made this menu, or should I say "men you?"  I love her spellings!  "Kord or Korn beef, Kabij, Red patotoe..."  The picture is of a chick hiding in a tree saying, "I am her[e]!" and a leprechaun on the grass.  Then there are little worms sleeping on bunk beds underground.
There's 2 girl leprechauns and there's one daddy leprechaun.  There's also a bunch of 4 leaf clovers.
  This year St. Patrick's Day was on Sunday.  One of my family's traditions from when I was growing up was to have an Irish-one-pot meal of corned beef, cabbage, new potatoes, and carrots.  Yum!  So, I made it for my family this year, and invited my mom and Tom to join us.  Tom is Irish- his parents immigrated from Ireland to New York, where Tom was born and grew up.  Unfortunately, he hates corned beef and cabbage.  So, he stayed home and enjoyed leprechaun legs or something.  I'm pretty sure my husband would have rather joined Tom than be subjected to such a fatty piece of meat.  Honestly?  Fat is flavor, right?  To my dearest, fat is filth and he will dissect any meat on his plate to purge it of any visible bits.   It's kinda funny to me, actually.  I can somewhat empathize with him because when I was pregnant, my palate was much the same way.  Poor hubby.  But he is a good man and enjoyed a dinner of boiled potatoes and cabbage and still thanked me for the meal.  Amara and Lily didn't want much of the meat.  So, me and my mom had all the corned beef a 2 girls could want!  And even leftovers for lunch the next day. :) 

We all had a lovely time together.  The girls made menus for everyone.  They were really cute!!!   
Lily can draw Leprechauns really well!  She freehanded the menu without any pictures for reference.  I'm really impressed.

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  1. Oh, how I love those kids. Lily is such a good artist! I'm impressed. I love that her picture says decorated by everyone but dad. LOL.
