Sunday, April 14, 2013

Game and Treat Night

As an incentive to have our girls learn responsibility, we gave them a checklist of things they have to do to get ready for bed-
  1. Shower
  2. Get PJs on
  3. Get clothes ready for next day
  4. Brush Teeth
  5. Tidy Bedroom and Bathroom

They have from 6:30-7:00 to get those things done without us telling them what to do.  During that time, we go into our room, close the doors and do a couple scripture study.  Then at 7:00 they are allowed to come in and we read together as a family, do family scripture and prayer and tuck them in at about 7:30. 

If the girls get their "lists" checked off before 7:00, then they get to color in their chart.  When all the circles are colored in we do the activity of their choice.  There are probably about 36 circles.  For this go-around, they chose to have a family game night and treat night.  It took a couple months to earn it, but they could've earned it quicker if they were more consistant getting their checklists done each night; however, the process seems to work pretty well, and it gives us a routine for couple scripture study which was hard to come by before. 

We had a lot of fun buying the treats for our game night (we bought way too much- but everyone got a few things they liked) and we had a lot of fun playing candyland, apples to apples, and monopoly junior.  Steve won both monopoly and candyland, and I won the apples to apples game.  Everyone was just happy to play and there were no tears when someone didn't win.  That must mean that our girls are growing up...

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