Sunday, September 8, 2013

Reverence is Love for God

Note: This is a back-post that I found in my drafts folder, so today I'm publishing it.  Isn't 6-year-old Lily cute?  I love her little whistle through her teeth!

Lily had a talk in church on Thanksgiving weekend.  Amara and I were sick, so we didn't get to see Lily give her talk, but I had Lily give it to me before she left.  We wrote her talk together.  I wrote some generic sentences and I had her fill in the details.  And she drew a picture on the other side.  It was nice that Steve's parents were still in town and got to see Lily give her talk.  My mom also came to see her.  She did great!


  1. Such a cute little Lily! It's fun- and crazy- to see how much they change!

  2. I'm glad you finally posted this :) it is so fun to see how much they change and how much is the same :)
