Thursday, September 25, 2014

Force Family Reunion 2014- Genola, Utah

Day 2- More Park Play and Variety Show

I'm usually pretty good about remembering to take pictures of the food at events because I'm such a foodie, but for some sad reason I didn't have a single pic of food, except for Lily drinking a bright red Fanta.  Gotta love how red her lips got!

I still remember the food well, though.  William and Vernie made us a yummy pancake breakfast, and there were lots and lots of yummy fruits.  I remember the sandwiches with just about every type of making you could want.  I remember Aunt Jane's chicken curry salad and Aunt Miriam's stirfry.  Most importantly I remember enjoying every morsel on my plate and sharing meals with relatives in the shade of the park pavillion.  Nothing beats meals with family in the outdoors.  It's honestly my favorite thing to do.
This picture just screams summer stickiness.
On day 2 of the reunion, we continued with games at the park.  I played a couple rounds of croquet with various family members- and I can't remember if I was last place or second to last. I was glad I wore my sun hat because it was sure warm in the sun, but perfect in the shade.  The girls played more at the playground.
 Uncle Stephen took a turn on the slide
 In the afternoon, we had a variety show. 
 There were entertaining recitations.
 And songs...
And a face pulling contest.

 Who would you have voted for?
Squenched-up Face

Crazy Convulser

Sour Drooper

Chipmunk Cheeks


Eyeless Wonder
My vote was for the crazy convulser.  You really should have seen him in real life.  He shook like he was being electricuted or something and made this creepy-groaning noise.  But my hat goes off to every brave soul who took part.  Bravo!  Good show!

Lily and Amara sang "Love is an Open Door" from "Frozen" after much pleading from Aunt Janice.  They sat on the edge of the stage and Amara agreed to do it only if I sat up there with her.  So that's just what I did.  That's why there is no picture of them (and me).  Amara also showed everyone that she could ride a 2 wheeler bike for her talent, and Lily joined a group that sang "Let it Go" from "Frozen."

We had a great time visiting with aunts, uncles, and cousins that we don't get to see very often.  I loved getting to know everyone a little better and I look forward to the next reunion!  I love being a part of this family!

1 comment:

  1. How fun! I love reading about all your family's adventures. I loved seeing Steve on the slide and Lily's red lips! Your girls were so brave to sing in front of everyone. They are amazing!
