Friday, December 26, 2014

Dutch Oven F.H.E. in Provo Canyon

 I usually hear about this event over facebook and just dream that I was there.  This year, I actually was there! It was so fun to join my family up in the canyon for their annual family home evening dutch oven dinner! This usually takes place on a Monday night, however this year we did it on a Sunday night. My dad cooked chicken and rice in the Dutch oven, and cobbler and cake I think. It has been several months since this actually took place, so I am still trying to remember all the details. What I do remember is that I was in charge of bringing a salad, and when I got there I noticed that there were a lot more people there than I had anticipated, and that my salad probably wouldn't go very far with the amount of people that showed up, probably close to 40 people. We had family, extended family, and even friends of extended family, and most people did not bring food to share. Nevertheless, we had our own little loaves and fishes miracle as no one went hungry, and there was still leftovers to be had.

The food was excellent, and the atmosphere was heavenly. My three favorite things in life are family food and the outdoors. When you put them altogether, I mean come on! Does it get any better than that?

This year, we went to a campground that is located just passed the theater in the Pines up Provo Canyon. It was a really cool spot, and with the fall leaves on the ground and the twisty tree trunks all around, it made for some beautiful scenery.
We had a campfire going, which we could roast marshmallows over. Mmmmmm...
And speaking of food, I forgot to mention that my dad made delicious rolls in his Dutch oven that he served with his delicious homemade pear jam and butter.  Those went fast and furious!
The only thing that could have made this event better would be the addition of my husband. He had to work, so he was unable to come down with me and the girls. We had  come down because my pregnant sister was about to pop, and I promised I would be there to help her out during that time.  I'm glad we were there for that, and i'm glad we got to attend this lovely event before hand.

There are two people that I know that have the gift of toasting a marshmallow perfectly. They are both men. And they are both my favorite. It is my dad and my husband.  Just take a look at how toasty perfect these marshmallows that my dad roasted are. 
It is hard to capture with the camera lens the beauty of the magnificent scenery that God has crafted for our enjoyment. I tried my best with these shots, but you really should've been there to truly experience the sights and smells of this beautiful evening up the canyon.

This last one looks like it belongs in a fantasy scene, doesn't it? I love how twisty the trees are and how vibrant the colors of the leaves are the contrast all around it.  I hope I get attend future Dutch oven get-together's. This one was so memorable.

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