Saturday, May 6, 2017

Our Fancy Girls Night - Lemonade Party

This past week was the Mother-Daughter activity for the Activity Days girls at the church.  They planned such a fun evening for us.  They told the girls to be sure to dress up as fancy as possible with their mothers and that there would be a prize for the fanciest.  The girls had it in their minds that they wanted gloves.  I didn't want to pay $30 for a set of play gloves, so I told them we would make them.  We bought some cheap fabric, watched a youtube video, sewed a glove, and decided it was a little too much work and the fabric was getting runs all through it.  My mom mentioned using tights to create fingerless gloves, so we went that route since we happened to have tights and the girls NEVER wear them.  We also happened upon feather boas at the dollar store when we were out shopping, so I picked 3 up so we could match.  Boy, when we got all dressed up, our little accessories really pushed us to that fun level of fancy we were hoping for, and the girls were thrilled with their look.

The activity before, the girls made these cute invitations for the party.  They were folded in a paper doily which was wrapped with pretty ribbon and finished off with a glued on jewel.

Before we left to the party, we had Steve do a very quick photo shoot of us around our house.

 Then it was off to the party.  As we arrived, the scouts were all hanging out in the foyer.  All eyes were on us, and I just smiled and tried to walk quickly.  I hate drawing attention to myself.  We made it into the gym, where the party was.  There were tables set up for us to create our own hat out of paper plates, bowls, ribbon, and fake flowers.

 After the hats were made, they snapped a picture of each of the girls and their moms, and then one group picture of the girls.

 Dinner was served after pictures.  We had chicken salad croissant sandwiches with green salad, fruit skewers, and a cherry cheesecake pudding parfait for dessert.  They handed out pens and papers to everyone and we played a little game like the newlywed game where you have to guess the answers to 10 questions about the other person.  I did really well guessing Lily's answers.  I got 8/10 right. I didn't do as well on Amara's, maybe like 5/10.  The girls guessed 3/10 on my answers.  The game was fun and everyone was a winner in the end and got a charm bracelet made by one of the activity days leaders.
 I loved that I got to do this with my girls!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun idea! You girls all looked beautiful all dressed up!
