Friday, July 13, 2018

15th Anniversary: Maui Day 1

For our 15th anniversary, we wanted to go to Hawaii (planned on it a couple years ago) and we couldn't come up with the money for it until my cousin contacted me and said she'd pay my airfare if I photographed her wedding.  HECK YA! So, Steve and I went to Maui and Oahu for our anniversary this year and we got to photograph and attend my cousin's wedding!  I just LOVE her!

On our photography blog (, I shared 6 blogposts of a few favorite photos of my cousin's wedding (Haku Leis, Getting Ready, Ceremony, Reception, Mikayla, Beachside Photos).
Check them out!

And we were off to Maui...

I was hungry at the airport.  I was happy to find a bacon egg sandwich for a decent price.

Flying above Utah

Above the clouds now!

Not the prettiest selfie, but it was good times with Steve at my side on the plane.
 One of my favorite moments on the plane was sharing a kindle with Steve and both of us were reading an interesting story, but since he's a faster reader than I am, he'd read the page and then have to wait another 30 seconds for me to finish reading before we could turn the page.  It was great because if something was funny, he'd chuckle and then a few seconds later, I'd see why he chuckled.  How romantic.

Over the ocean

This sunset lasted a long time because we were flying into it.
 When we got to Maui, it was dark and to us it felt extra late, even though it was only 10pm there.  We went to bed almost as soon as we found the Wailuku Guesthouse where we had a reservation.  My mom gifted that hotel stay to us for our anniversary present.  That was incredibly generous!  I so LOVE her and thank her for that.  The room was wonderful, comfortable, and small, but I'd stay there again.
The Hibiscus Room at the inn we stayed at.

The corner of our room had beach supplies!

Steve standing by our door showing off the room.  It was small, but big enough for us.

What a nice little gift of mango, apple, blueberry, pecan bread from our guesthouse host.  They'd give a little treat every other day when they come clean the room.

The treat also came with beautiful fresh tropical flowers!

Cool Tree!

The entire world was in bloom.  These bushes were right by Walmart.

There are tons of chickens everywhere.  They dig holes to take dust baths in.  That's what you see above.  Sorry, bad pic.
 We went to Walmart to get some food so we could save money and not eat out every meal.  While there we spotted some definite cultural differences in the goods they sell there.  Of course I had to have pictures!

This ice cream was tempting but we didn't have a freezer big enough for it... and I couldn't bring myself to pay $9 for a quart!
 We also hit up Costco which was next door.  Again, more fun Hawaiian food items!

Fresh Fish!  Need I say more?  Mom?  April? Where you at?

We decided to eat at Costco because the price is the same there as it is in Utah, and we know the menu!  The one difference is the eating court is outdoors and there are little chickens running around everywhere.
Chickens roaming beneath the tables (excuse the squat pose from an innocent customer)

More chickens
 After our meal, we headed over to meet my cousins, aunts, and grandma to make haku leis and assemble the bouquets.
My cousin, Lani Guting, laying out her flowers for her lei

Me starting my first lei.  I'm braiding long strands of plastic garbage bag to make the rope that ties around the head.
 When we were done there, we headed to Zippy's, a Hawaiian food chain, to eat dinner.  I thought it was good stuff.  So good, we went there again later on during our trip.   I liked the drippy Teri-burger.  I didn't care for the stew I got the second go-around.

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