Wednesday, May 22, 2019

April Fools! and FHE

 Lily and Amara concocted a plan to fool grandma, so before she got up in the morning, the kids took yarn and taped it all across her door in a criss-cross fashion. Grandma loved it and laughed when she opened her door.  Then she crawled out the bottom so she could keep it up!  That got old fast, so a few hours later it came down.  But she loved that someone remembered her on April Fools day!
Fierce Amara

Cyborg Dad

Unicorn Abby Taylor

Fierce Grandma

Masked Amara

Spectacled Lily 
Amara was in charge of FHE.  Yay!  That means games!  We invited over the Taylor family, a family that we minister to.  We first had dinner which was taco soup.  Then for Amara's lesson, she created a game about deception.  There were 6 plastic Easter eggs, each had a poetic riddle she created leading you to the next egg, and each egg also had a scripture challenge.  One that I remember was "look up a scripture, or quote on deception and share it."  I thought that was fitting for April Fools Day to get to solve riddles and learn about deception.  

Afterward, we went inside the house and played WhooNu together while eating the dessert popcorn Tami had brought.  It was delicious!  She made it by heating up 2 bags of microwave popcorn and stirring it up with a bag of melted peanut butter chips.  She also did one with butterscotch chips.  That dessert was so delicious!  We love doing family home evenings with the Taylors!

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