Friday, November 7, 2014

July 4, 2014

~Our Fabulous Fourth of July~

We started the day off with the small town parade in Neola, a 10-15 minute drive from our house.  We got there just as the parade was beginning, and we were at the very beginning of the parade route. As kids crowded into the road to get candy, Lily came back and asked for my phone camera so she could take pictures of some of her favorite floats up close.  I loved the miniature horses pulling a couple flags and a guy in the cart.
After the parade, we headed over to Bottle Hollow to take advantage of free fishing day.  The girls splashed and played in the water even though we didn't come prepared with swimwear, which was just fine.  We only live 5 minutes away from that reservoir, anyhow.
 They started with pants rolled up.  Then those got wet and cold, so they ditched their pants on the shore since we were in a pretty secluded part of the reservoir, and played in their undees and t-shirts.  I didn't stop them.
 Steve tried to catch some fish, but nothing was biting the power bait.  I'm beginning to think power bait is a bogus waste of money. 
 Lily and Amara were having fun collecting moss and making a fairy home in the sand.
 After the reservoir, Grandma Christensen and Uncle Matt arrived for a visit.  We were so happy to get to spend time with them for this holiday!  We took them past Pelican Lake, ate at Pelican Cafe,
 and visited the Ouray Wildlife Preserve, where we've normally had luck bird watching. 
 This time around, the birds were no where in sight.  Oh well.
 Later that evening, we went to the Ute Pow-Wow in Fort Duchesne (near Bottle Hollow Reservoir).  We stayed for a little while watching the opening ceremonies where they play the drums and dance in the center circle.
 It was a full day, and the sunset was spectacular.
 We finished the night watching fireworks at the Constitution park in Roosevelt. 

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