Friday, November 7, 2014

Our July, Before Visits/ Vacations

The most notable things that happened this past July are the visits and vacations we took part in.  We were not home for most of the month.  However, the time we did spend at home, wasn't wasted.
 We got our garden all prepped for our upcoming vacations, including setting sprinklers on a timer, replacing hoses, weeding, harvesting, and putting up a garden fence
 Because spinach bolts so fast when the weather gets hot, we only had a little spinach before we left on vacations.  We also harvested some beets, but it was obviously too early for that, (We didn't know.  It was our first time growing them) and we only got a couple spindly roots.

Something else we did was try to check off as many of the challenges in the 101 Ways to See and Do the Uinta Basin as we could.  One of the things we did was watched a well-done outdoor performance of Les Miserables.  We all really loved it.
 We also hiked a short distance to this interesting poem carved into the rock.
We're so blessed that Steve gets the summers off from teaching so we could spend so much time as a family!  Steve got a new camera this summer and practiced with it.  He now has a new hobby that he really enjoys- photography.  Here's one of his shots of a dragon fly.  Lily is in the background.  I love seeing all the cool things he captures with the lens of his camera!
We weren't home for much of July, but we made the most of every second of this summer!

P.S.  Don't worry, I promise I'll catch up on all our vacations/ visits at some point in the future.  Stay tuned.

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