Sunday, February 28, 2016

An Ordinary Thursday: A Picture An Hour

Me brushing my hair, getting ready for the day in my bathroom.

This is the second post in a series entitled "An Ordinary Day: A Picture An Hour."  It is my hope that writing a blog post periodically about our everyday happenings will be beneficial to my posterity.  The general idea is that I take a day, set an alarm for 1 hour and every time that alarm goes off, I snap a picture of whatever we are doing at that very moment, then reset the alarm.  If we're all together in the house, then one picture will suffice, but if we are off doing our own things, then a few pictures may need to be taken.  

I took these pictures on an ordinary Thursday in mid-February.  Enjoy!

8:00 AM or so

Lily was found reading a book in her pajamas on our rocking recliner chair in the living room.

Amara was illegally on her kindle fire tablet.  Normally, she isn't allowed to be on there until after she's earned her tech ticket for the day, but she's been habitually breaking that law, and here's the evidence.  

9:00 AM

FaceTiming with April and her boys while we did our breakfast with the Book of Mormon.

These boys are such a bright joy!  April's phone is really cracked and in poor condition, so when we facetime, it looks like this- a blurry jumble.  But that isn't enough to stop us!

10:00 AM

Amara doing her math in our home school room

Lily working on her math.
It's garbage day, and the garbage truck usually comes by around 10:30/11, so I was lucky I remembered and got the trash to the street!


Lily still working on her math

Amara and I doing flash cards

12:00 PM

Finishing up our homeschooling for the day with Language lessons.  I read the lesson aloud to them from my teacher's manual, and the kids participate and follow along in their worksheets.

Amara posing with her worksheet.

Lily posing with her worksheet.


It appears Amara ate lunch, probably around 12:30, since she is now eating a pink frosted sugar cookie.  I made those the week of Valentines Day so I could give them to my friends and neighbors.

Lily is playing games on SCRATCH.  She must've recently done a book report on the Unicorns of Balinor, since that book is right in front of her.  Her grandma Debby pays $5 per book report and up to $20 per month.  That's a really sweet deal! Both my kids are heavy readers, so they should be able to earn that $20 every month.  On a side note, Lily really enjoyed the Unicorns of Balinor book series, but the bummer of it all is that the author never finished it, and has no intentions of ever finishing it. 

I was trying to decide what to eat for lunch.  Not sure what I ended up eating, but I can guarantee it was leftovers of some sort.

2:00 PM

Both girls are on the computers.Thursday afternoons they work on their Utah History class online.  After they are done with that, sometimes I let them have some computer free time.

I was shredding up tissue paper for the upcoming ward Valentine's day party.  The relief society presidency was in charge of table settings for that event, and I volunteered to use our shredder to shred the tissue paper.  I didn't know it was going to be such a pain.  My shredder kept having trouble with it. ;(

3:00 PM

Lily doing some tech free time on SCRATCH

Amara playing on her tablet

Me being productive, putting in a load of laundry.  I may have timed that task just right so I could take a laundry selfie and get some credit for doing chores. 

I also found this thought, since it was my turn to prepare one for the relief society presidency meeting.

4:00 PM

Me at presidency meeting, I just took a picture of my stuff instead of interrupting everyone for a presidency picture.

5:00 PM

After our presidency meeting, we go out for visits.  This is one sister we went to visit who just had a baby.  I asked to take a picture of her pretty wall, so I didn't have to ask for her picture and explain my blog post and all that.

6:00 PM

Me at another home visiting.  This time I asked to take a selfie with their tiny chihuahua.

7:00 PM

Dinner time!  We made tostadas, inspired by my sister, April's family.

8:00 PM 

We watched season 2 of "When Calls The Heart," on Netflix as a family.  The girls got all showered up and ready for bed first.  Steve and I agreed that season 1 is better than season 2, but it was still a fun show.  It's just gotten a more soap-opera-y storyline now, but thankfully it's still clean and family-friendly.

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