Sunday, March 6, 2016

A Full President's Day Weekend

Me and April near the new Provo City Center Temple.  Lily photobombing.
 These are some very random photos from our President's Day weekend.  We came down to Utah County to attend my sister Ashley's missionary homecoming.  That weekend, we stayed with April in Payson, went shopping at Costco for my Relief Societys' upcoming Birthday Dinner, Steve and I went on a date while April watched our kids, then on Sunday, we went to Ashley's homecoming and luncheon, went to Steve's family's Valentine's Dinner, went to Ashley's Question n Answer fireside, then Monday,we went to the Provo temple open house on our way back home.  I got only a handful of pictures that whole trip, and the girls took some at April's house.  The weekend was packed full of events and fun, but I only have a few random pictures, so enjoy what I did get.
Amara in the pink coat  watching the fountain.  Devon running to us.

We tried our best to get a good family photo by the fountain, but the sunshine was a little bright for us, apparently.  Here's the best 2 pics we got;

Lily or Amara got some pics of their cousins at April's house.  They had a lot of fun watching the funny things baby Tommy liked to do.  Devon was always making us laugh, too.

And Steve had some impressive bed head.  The End.